I´m a research associate at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy and a research visitor at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. My current research on ocean acidification is sponsored by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action under the European Research Program H2020 with the project Future4Oceans (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, N 702628).
Research interest
My research addresses several questions at the interface between marine ecology and conservation. My research focuses to study the drivers of change in marine communities and to improve the ability to assess and manage the emergent effects of environmental change in marine ecosystems. I have studied different benthic habitats, primarily rocky reef ecosystems in Antarctica and the Mediterranean. Most recently, I have focused on the study of the effects of ocean acidification on ecosystems by using new natural CO2 vents recently discovered along the coast of Ischia, Italy. This scientific work is conducted jointly in Micheli and Palumbi labs at Hopkins and in Maria Cristina Gambi‘s lab in Ischia
Present Address: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
Email: nteixido@icm.csic.es and nteixido@stanford.edu
Website: nuriateixido.info
Connect with me for news and updates on Twitter: @3NuriaTeixido
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Research group
MedRecover, Marine Biodiversity Conservation Group